Give me a (Coffee) Break

A few weeks ago Mark and I met with a couple who have a coffee business. I  am doing an inspirational book for autism families and wanted to highlight a small independent coffee company in it. After a few minutes I realized this wasn’t the right fit for us or the book. They were very nice people and clearly passionate about both their coffee and their business. The only thing was I I wasn’t looking for the perfect “brew”  I was looking for someone who understood that it wasn’t the coffee, it was about the “coffee break”–The down time, stress relief etc….I loved their coffee, but to be honest…as much as I enjoy a great cup of coffee…its taste isn’t what is important to me. This situation highlighted to me once again how important it is that people understand just how much autism families need support, understanding and even help, sometimes. They told us all about what we were doing wrong in making our coffee, and how we had to buy all this special coffee equipment to make it perfect. I thought to myself there are parents who struggle to cover necessities for their kids….and even though others can afford it, many truly just need that break from stress, not the “perfect cup” 

I know how difficult it was for me when Peyton was young and I was a single Mom. As I have written many times, I was very fortunate to have a support system, not everyone has one of those. To me, the “cup of coffee” represents the commitment to taking “me time” by allowing myself to relax and unwind. I know for a fact that when I am stressed it really affects Peyton. I realize parenting is tough in general, but I also know I have four kids and I know the extra time it takes with Peyton. I need that down time to reinvigorate myself to face the rest of the day. It may not even be a “coffee break” it may just be sitting on my bed and listening to music. Stress is a very powerful negative on us in so many ways. We need to counter this with positive time and energy. Back to my original point, it isn’t the coffee it’s the break. I hope as each of you read this blog, as well as my other blogs you realize this. I get positive feedback from so many about how I “relate” our every day experiences to others lives. I am deeply touched by this, and very thankful. My biggest goal and reason for starting AwesomismMom is to help others and be an inspiration. Many times I have felt overwhelmed and know that sometimes just encouraging words from someone else can help. While we all face our daily battles and stress, some need that extra support. They may not ask you or tell you, so take the time to ask…at the very least they will know you care. So as you drink your morning coffee I hope you stop, pause and realize….it isn’t the coffee others need…it’s the break.