And speaking of Flipboard (see previous post), we are so honored that Mike McCue – CoFounder and CEO of Flipboard, gave us a shoutout during his talk as a panelist along with Adam Weinberg of The Whitney Museum:
“Well, Similar to what you said, Some of the great artists may not have been popular. But they were great artists and because you had made it a selection for those artists, they became more known. I think the same is true for people who are curating.
There’s an example on Flipboard, a woman who has an autistic son, and she curates for her son…articles and things she thinks her son would like to read. Also, she curates about what it is to raise an autistic son. What she found was there were a lot of other people who were quite interested in this.
And so we discovered that this was happening and we curated her…in a sense, and presented her on Flipboard. So, There are people who have a sense of taste. They are discerning. They are passionate. They are enthusiastic about an interest. They know where to go get the good stuff. And being able to surface those people is fore of what we do.”
Here’s the edited version. Click this link to watch. .

The Art of Curating _ Flipboard _ Mike McCue
Thank you Mike!