DENIED! Education

The Houston Chronicle published an investigative piece yesterday that everybody, especially followers of this and other autism related resources should read. They have removed their paywall for this article, which has the ominous title DENIED. In it, Brian Rosenthal lays out the evidence that Texas is finagling (to put it mildly) admittance into it’s special needs programs in order to meet a self-imposed quota. As many as 250,000 special needs students are being deprived of the resources they need to reach their full potential. While the National average for special needs students per school district is somewhere around 13%, Texas has discovered the methods to maintain a number around 8.5%, or so they claim.

Houston Chron: Denied

Since we can only speak on what we know personally and we homeschool with an emphasis on learning and not just passing tests, I can only cite a few examples of the public school system. One kid that we bowled with could only speak in short syllable sentences and could not tie his shoes, yet received a High School diploma. Another was given the answers to the tests beforehand to study to help his progress. And yet another was encouraged to deny their daughters autism and dismiss it as merely learning delayed.

Please take the time to listen to Brian in this podcast and then dive deeper into the story here.

Thank you Brian, The Houston Chronicle and all who helped compile this important piece of journalism, including the educators who cooperated.  We welcome your thoughts…Mark

Sources: Houston Chronicle:

Denied: How Texas keeps tens of thousands of children out of special education
Texas Texas is Keeping Tens of Thousands of Children Out of Special Education

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