Bullies make me see Red

I know, I know everyone, well almost everyone, disdains bullies! Well, at least They SHOULD disdain bullies…..

Nowadays we hear a lot about bullies, everyone has a different definition of what a bully is. I’ve written several blogs about bullies.These blogs are based on my opinion and my definition of what I think a bully really is!

I think we can all agree, that certain people definitely fit the definition of bullies.  This blog is not about the “common definition” of bullies.

I am hypersensitive to bullies  because of Peyton. I’ve always been a mama bear to all of my kids, but I’m especially a helicopter Mama bear to Peyton!  I get extremely protective whenever I see an autistic child,teen or adult being bullied.

As I stated in previous blogs, we often hear it said that bullies are just terribly insecure people, and basically deflect not reflect on their insecurities. While I find this to be some what true, I think it goes deeper than that.

I think Bullies are insecure people, at least much of the time, but I also think many bullies  are narcissistic gaslighters. I also think that many bullies are truly unhappy in their own lives. So they invent fantasy lives, know they’re lying and then abuse other people because they’re angry that they’re not living that life!

Some of the biggest bullies that I’ve seen on social media, are also some of the biggest hypocrites. There have been times I’ve really wanted to call them out… But I also know that it’s a waste of time, because they generally don’t wanna listen anyway.

Being an autism activist, I thought long and hard about making my focal point bullying . After the story of the special-needs boy being tortured and bullied in Chicago and Facebook live, I knew I couldn’t be a bullying  activist.  That story touch me so deeply, that I still cry about it.

I decided that rather than be a bullying activist, I would actually offer comfort zones etc. for those who are  bullied. That’s a major focal point of our new project Team Awesomism. It’s to help those with autism, anxiety and stress find their comfort zones.

I have called a few bullies  out on Twitter, as well as blocked and reported some,and I don’t always mean to Twitter. There’s one thing that my husband has really taught me, don’t lower yourself to their level instead find solutions for those who are hurting.

Team Awesomism  was inspired by several things… One being finding solutions for those who are being bullied. Bullies are only bullies  because they feel like they have to have power over someone. What better way to empower someone, then help them find their inner strength and feel better about themselves?

We will be launching Team Awesomism  on September 15, which also happens to be Peyton’s  birthday! We are super excited about this project and can’t wait to share it with everyone!

In the meantime I ask this… Find commonality with everyone you come in contact with. It’s easy to find something to be angry or mean about… Just stop! If we treat others the way we want to be treated  as well as those we love… We’d have less hatred and more love. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, as well as their beliefs… If you make this a rule in your life… You’ll stop and think before you deflect and actually reflect!


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