Giving Back Tuesday

This is a very special time of year! It is also the time when we can and should give back… if we can! it doesn’t always have to be in terms of money! it can also be with our time!

here are a few of our favorites!

I love this idea of writing letters to our veterans! You van either do it through Lowes or on your own!

We have all seen the giving trees! these are awesome and can help so many families!

I saw this at our church and absolutely loved this idea!there are so many places that could do this, Neighborhoods, Churches, schools etc..

There are so many Churches, Synagogues, Mosques and other places of worship that need both money and manpower at this time of the year!

Small Foundations REALLY need your Support! This is my favorite! You can go to my store page and help them as well as go straight to UnderdogkidsFoundation and donate! Or choose a foundation of your own!

Super easy… drop money in the kettles and help feed the homeless

Don’t forget animal shelters! they need volunteers, dog walkers etc… etc…

I hope we have given you some awesome ideas as well as inspired you to give back!