It’s Launch Day!

I’m sorry I’ve been so absent lately! I haven’t been putting out very many blogs… But I promise I have a very good reason.

Today Peyton and I are launching Team  Awesomism! We are super excited about this new project that we have started. It’s been months in the works… And a few delays in launching but we finally are ready! Yay!

I think one of the things I am proudest of is, when I started this blog a few years ago… My goal was not only to raise autism acceptance….. but to actually work to help turn autism into Awesomism….  I feel that Team Awesomism  is going to help further that goal.

One of the things that I love best about this project, is that is a joint project of mine and Peyton’s. I’m so proud of Peyton. He not only has helped me develop the project… But he did the website himself!

Peyton and I tossed around several ideas before we came up with the idea of Team Awesomism. We wanted to start a community to build each other up,and help each other. Our community is for those with anxiety, stress, autism, ADHD etc. etc. it’s a community designed to help others find their strengths, happy places, comfort zones etc. We are community where you are supported and accepted.

Team Awesomism is a bully Freezone… I say it all the time on social media… I’ve written blogs about it…but I wanted to  make even a stronger statement….,I’m on my last nerve with bullies!!!! Physical bullies, as well as verbal and mental bullies. We’ve become a society where if you don’t agree with someone, and /or you are “different” it’s acceptable to bully and name calling. 🤦‍♀️

This is unacceptable in every facet, but especially to those with special needs and those who suffer with stress and anxiety issues. Rather than just talk about it,because too often bullies refuse to see themselves as bullies… We decided to create a community to help others.

Team Awesomism isn’t just about being anti-bullying in fact it’s more about finding that happy place, comfort zone etc. so that you can deal with the negative things that are thrown at you!

This community is about actions, not just words. It’s about building together, helping each other, supporting each other and most of all being there for each other. We will be sharing each other’s strengths, and helping each other find their strengths and make them even stronger!

We’re all in this journey of life… At the same time, maybe not the same places… That’s the beauty of the Internet. We don’t have to be physically by each other, to be emotionally and mentally together.

I will be continuing my Awesomismmom blog, it will have some changes.. which will be coming at the end of September. Awesomismmom will be more about our journey as a family… Then just mine and Peyton’s journey!  Watch for the relaunch of AwesomismMom at the end of September!! 🎉

In the meantime please check out our new project Team Awesomism!! Take some time look around our website read our blog… And most of all please help us spread the word! Thank you so much for reading my blog and for all your support!


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