Join us for The Season of Awesomism

Join us for The Season of Awesomism!! We’re in the Fall season now! Funny enough, we put out our Fall and Halloween decorations in our house at the end of August, which we usually don’t do. We’re excited to announce AWESOME things going on for Team Awesomism!


What is The Season of Awesomism? There are so many families and individuals that are hurting in the Autism community. Between the economy and the hurricanes that have devastated so many people. We at Team Awesomism want to try to help. We have selected 5 different families/individuals in the Autism community to help.

How are we going to do this? Proceeds from all sales from our Country Store will be used to help these individuals/families. We will not only be giving them gift cards and gift baskets, but we will also help them get back on their feet, by helping them with their small businesses and podcasts. Between now and at the end of this year, we also will be highlighting these individuals, so you can get to know them.

How can you help? There are several ways!

1. By purchasing products in our Country Store (please note: we will continuously add more products and collaborations to the store.)
2. Follow us on social media and share our posts.
3. Share this newsletter with your friends and family. If you have an email list, please share with your email list
4. If you prefer not to purchase an item, you can put a tip on our tip jar. All tips will go to help all those in need as well.

Please check out the 2 parts of The Dolly Show podcast with me, Peyton, Tom Iland, Dr. Temple Grandin and couple of others! This is EXTREMELY important podcast as it dives deep into many issues that families face in the autism community. YouTube Links: Part 1 and Part 2

Who doesn’t love a cozy food in the Fall? Please check out my latest blog where I made Apples and Carrots recipe that is perfect for the Fall season!

If you are a small business owner and you are looking to expand business online, let’s collaborate!

Do you shop the farmers markets during the Fall season? Peyton and I have our products at our farmers markets in the Orlando area! We meet some of the most wonderful people/vendors at the farmers markets that we set up at! If you have a farmers market in your area, attend and make a small business owner’s day

Who else loves candles? We have a lot of candles in our house, which definitely comes in handy during a hurricane. What’s your favorite smell of candles? Mine depends on the season. Although, I would probably say either Lavender or cinnamon.

We set up Team Awesomism because our purpose is to not only help autistic adults and their families, but to create a Team. Before we can fully form this team, we need to build it. Therefore, we work with autistic adults to help them find their purpose. At the same time that we are working with them, we are also building the team.

Our next step is to go live with our app. After we go live with the app, we will be creating an entrepreneur club. Our purpose to have entrepreneur club is not only to create a team, but also to spread Autism, Acceptance and Activism. While this is a common theme among all autism activists, our purpose is to help them become financially independent.

Thank you so much for reading this! We hope you have a blessed holiday season!

Also, here’s another blog I wrote on here a few weeks ago called My favorite time of the year.

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