The comfort of a classic!

The last 10 days I have been very sick, just now starting to somewhat get back on my feet. I will spare you the details, but let’s just say don’t ignore a bad tooth. When I am sick I really love to watch classic TV, although I am always a big fan of classic TV. I even wrote a blog in February about classic TV     When I am sick it’s the ONLY thing I want to watch. There is a comfort that they provide to me. Right before I got sick Peyton told us about a new channel to Direct TV, FETV, it’s all classic TV. It even shows Hazel, my favorite show of all time! Trying to take my mind off of how awful I felt, I watched it almost nonstop, when I wasn’t sleeping. I tend to get very introspective, analytical and overly emotional when I am sick. So needless to say, I was thinking about my mission to turn Autism into Awesomism.

One of the themes that I find through so many of the classic TV shows, all the way from a comedy like Hazel, to a drama like Perry Mason is….they support the underdog! It seems the themes of these “classic shows” is to not only give lip service to helping others, but to actually help them in any way you can. People rallied together to make sure negative situations were turned into positive endings! As I expressed in my earlier blog I realize this is somewhat of a ” starry eyed view” but there are true lessons to be learned by this. Too often we express our support and our wanting a solution for problems we see, but we also too often just give “lip service” I am a firm believer that if everyone dedicated 30 minutes a week to working  an issue they feel passionate about, we’d have a better world. Having been basically bed ridden for over a week, I have had a lot of time to think. I feel even more determined to take our Awesomism Mission on the road! I am deeply passionate about sharing the high unemployment rate for Autistic teens and adults and helping find solutions!  I also realize not everyone can “take to the road” to change things, but there are MANY ways we can support others. I say all the time “TOGETHER we can and will make a DIFFERENCE” Mark, Peyton and I are committed to making this work, but we can’t without your help and support! I have written several blogs about how others can help, I’d deeply appreciate your checking them out! Clearly the most important ways for others to help is by being a sponsor! You can do this professionally as well as personally. Also, by retweeting, sharing and following us on social media is a big help. We want to connect with as many people as we can. We will sharing videos and more as well as a Flipboard magazine dedicated just to the trip!

Classic TV shows were my “comfort” during my illness, in their own way they made me feel better. Supporting the underdog and giving more than lip service is my “comfort” in making a positive difference for autistic teens and adults! By having those who read my blog, join in helping us, in anyway they can also reinforces my believe that while “classic TV” may be somewhat “starry eyed” they stil have very relevant life lessons in them!


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