Join us on April 2nd World Autism Awareness Day for a Virtual Cup of Coffee! Hello everyone! Our April is going to be very busy, We are going to be having 30 Days of Autism Activism experiences!
Team Awesomism will be making A LOT of announcements during World Autism Awareness Month in April… we will be putting out blogs, podcasts, videos etc.
On April 2nd, which is World Autism Awareness Day, we’re having a VIRTUAL coffee break where we will reveal what new and improved Team Awesomism is all about! And revealing a MAJOR update on our APP! Won’t you join us to virtually have a cup of coffee? RSVP to us if you’d like to join the virtual Coffee break! We have A LOT of amazing things happening!
Turning Autism into Awesomism for autistic adults is our focus at Team Awesomism. Peyton and I take this very seriously and we are working very hard to make sure that we offer a wide range of options for ALL autistic adults! Autism is a spectrum and because of this there are a wide range of needs. The Virtual Academy will be a separate entity from the APP hence we can address autism from ALL perspectives.
The APP is for autistics, their families, their friends and everyone who supports the autism community. The Virtual Academy is for the autistic adults, this allows us to focus on certain skills, as well as help raise acceptance!
We are starting a small business and independent contractor mentoring class, to help autistic adults have more control of their financial future. Because with a 75 to 85 percent unemployment rate for autistics, they deserve to have a more secure future. At the same time we will be addressing skills sets that will help them if they choose to seek employment.
We also are introducing several new classes. These will include a wide range of teaching styles because this will allow us to reach a broad group. The Virtual Academy is designed for autistic adults to help them with their future as well as their present.
We also have been invited by Autism Connect for an international virtual meet up on April 15th to discuss how Team Awesomism is working to turn Autism into Awesomism! We’re so honored to be part of this!!! Here’s this link: Turning Autism into Awesomism for Adults with Autism
Now that we’re in the Spring season, we’d thought we would share this Lavender Bath Mints. Springtime is the perfect time to plant gardens, be outside more and be more active….Hence, sore muscles, particularly if you are my age. I love this recipe because it not only works great, in addition it smells divine. Also, is easy to make with commonly used ingredients.
Here’s a tutorial below:
1. Get an airtight container to store the mixture in. (A moisture can turn it into a rock.)
2. 1 1/2 cups of Epsom salts
3. 1/4 cup of baking soda
4. 25 drops of lavender essential oil
5. Mix all of them together onto the container
If you do not follow us on our social media, please follow all of our accounts and share! This month of April is very important!
Check out this blog that we’ve put out on AwesomismMom couple months ago titled: Need a Coffee Break? We do too

Don’t forget to go outside and enjoy nature, this will help you feel relaxed and clear your mind!
Thank you very much for reading this! We look forward to having you join the virtual coffee break on April 2nd! Please feel free to forward this to everyone who may be interested in learning more about Team Awesomism! Lastly, we are so thankful for each and every one of you and how you have supported us.