The Rocking Chair


I have always really loved rocking chairs, I think there is something soothing and calming about rocking… sitting and thinking.

I rocked all four of my children to sleep when they were little… Peyton loved it the most. He always love the motion of rocking… Even many times when I was standing, I would rock back-and-forth with all my kids, but especially Peyton.

Rocking has been proven to lower ,stress anxiety and calm you down.

I really don’t ever remember a time in my life… as either a child or an adult… that I didn’t have it rocking chair in my house. We even have rocking chairs on our back patio. There are some days when I’m extremely stressed, that I just go sit outside and rock in those chairs… and it really calms me down.

For centuries rocking chairs have been one of the most popular pieces of furniture. Many look at them as a very iconic piece of the American culture.

Some believe that it was Benjamin Franklin that invented the rocking chair… Although, others disagree.

The design of the rocking chair was actually inspired by rocking cradles that date back to ancient times.

So if you really think about it, it makes sense that the rocking chair would be calming… As it was used to calm babies when they were in their cradles.

I remember as a kid my grandmother sitting in her rocking chair and knitting… It was like an iconic American moment.

Many nursing homes and mental health facilities to this day have rocking chairs of some form, in there facilities.

There are all kinds of chairs, nowadays that rock… You see them in just wood, you see them in plastic, you see them in fabric etc. etc. so why am I writing an entire blog about a rocking chair?

Because one of the things associated with rocking chairs aside from having a very calming and therapeutic attached to it, they were used many times, and still are for front porch talks…

Where people come together… friends… family… neighbors and talk!

Talk about everything! about the weather, talk about life, talk about their families, about their work, about their likes, their dislikes etc.

I wish I could take America and put it in a big round circle of Rocking chairs and say let’s sit for a spell… Let’s grab a lemonade, or hot tea or cold tea, whatever you choose and TALK!!

While we’re rocking and calming down, let’s truly talk…. let’s open our hearts, open our ears and listen to one another and talk.

The days of people really getting together an conversing and accepting and caring about each other… seems such a distant memory.

I for one am not willing to just let that go… So I hope each and every One of you who is reading this will join me… Open your heart, sit back relax and talk…..with your neighbors, your family, your friends, even somebody you don’t know! but you don’t feel like you have much in common with… because let me tell you something, when you start talking to people… you’ll be amazed at how much you have in common.

Love, compassion acceptance and caring is what is going to carry us through these rough times, so let’s all grab a rocking chair.. sit down via phone, face to face… anyway that we can connect with other and rock in a rocking chair… and let’s start spreading positivity, love and kindness…

As always, thanks for reading my blog!

Here is an event Peyton and I will be hosting on June 29… we would love to have you be a part of it!

Lynne AwesomismMom

* Thank you Montgomery Bakehouse for letting us sit on the rocking chairs!

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