The Season of Thankfulness and Giving! what a wonderful time of the year November is… we celebrate Thanksgiving and prepare for Christmas, this really is a wonderful season for so many reasons.
I hope you and your kids had a wonderful Halloween this past weekend! We celebrate Thanksgiving in our home, and never want to skip over it… It is a very important time of year as well.. the time to reflect on what we are thankful for and what we can do to help others. Here is Blog I wrote several years ago about Thanksgiving…
There is so much talk about how many major retailers will be low on items… we have a solution! Check out our store on my website We have awesome gifts, as well as you will be helping support Team Awesomism Virtual Academy!
We have a new page on AwesomismMom website that explains how you can help support Team Awesomism Virtual Academy. There is also a Fundraiser that will help our Virtual Academy, and they have recipes, games, giveaways, and lots more. PLEASE check it out and SHARE on your social media and with friends! here is a wonderful YouTube Video that shows some creative ways to use Pampered chef! don’t forget these items can be used by everyone, including Grill masters.
We will soon be decorating for Christmas around our house! Watch for some upcoming Blogs and YouTube videos about the Holidays! Did you know we are also on Rumble? Please check us out.
Also, we will be doing a GIVEAWAY the end of November on our email list!, so be sure to sign up for our email list and get to your friends to sign up as well! It is our way of saying thank you for being so supportive!
I want each of you to know how thankful I am for all your support, I have been overwhelmed lately with the Team Awesomism Virtual Academy and if it wasn’t for others support I am not sure what I would have done.
if you want to support us, and are not sure how Please check out the new page on website as well Here is our tip jar…
As always, thanks so much for reading this and please feel free to share with others to help support our Virtual Academy!
Have an awesome November!
One more thing: please feel free to share this, and check out this blog and our podcast episode!
Lynne aka AwesomismMom and Peyton