Luck of the Irish and Leprechaun wishes

Luck of the Irish and the Leprechaun wishes! These are two “sayings“ that you see quite a bit around St. Patrick’s Day.

I grew up in Chicago… And when I was growing up the Daley family was very prominent in the city… The father was Mayor, when I was a kid.

St. Patrick’s Day was quite a big celebration in Chicago, as it had a large Irish population. To this day you still see pictures and I believe they still even dye the Chicago river green.

It’s kind of a fun holiday, I’ve always associated it with Irish food, Irish music and of course Irish beer and liquor.

Although, I never really been one that celebrates Saint Patrick’s day… But I have nothing against it!

I think it’s kind of a fun holiday, and I know that there’s a lot more to the holiday than what we tend to see at a gift shop, bar… Hallmark store etc.

Peyton made a couple of Irish.. St. Patrick’s Day items… Which is what the picture of this blog is about… I think they’re adorable.

Let’s go back for a minute though, about the luck of the Irish. Is there really such a thing as luck? I think in some ways there is…

We can have things positively happen for us, and we can feel “lucky” about them. Feeling lucky actually ends up giving us a positive mental state.

Nowadays it seems there’s so much negativity in the world, and so much anger… That spreading luck is actually a good thing!

We Talk about spreading kindness… Doing random acts of kindness… in fact a couple weeks ago Peyton was involved with random act of kindness week… That we did with Black Bear Diner… If you are not familiar with this restaurant chain, please look them up. If you have one near you, give it a try it’s a wonderful restaurant.

I loved all the positivity that came out of that week… And all the different people responding to us about different random acts of kindness that they did!

That’s why I wrote this blog… Because I thought let’s put it out there into the atmosphere, let’s get it to other people to feel like “luck”  is on their side this week.

They are going to land the contract that they worked so hard for… They are going to get that phone call from someone that they were hoping to reconnect with… They’re going to get that raise at work… They’re going to get that job, that they have been trying to get…

Best luck of all is that people are going to be kind to one another, this week. Imagine if we all felt like luck extended to treating others in a positive way, that luck would then come back at us!

So as we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and we’re wearing our silly hats and our four leaf clover shirts and singing our Irish songs… Let’s remember to spread “luck“ out into the world … So that others have a very positive week.

Mental health is so important!  an wishing luck and positivity to those most in need is such a beautiful way to spend this holiday!

So luck of the Irish to each and everyone of you and leprechaun wishes for a pot of gold of happiness … Positivity and love!

As always, thank you so much for reading my blog, please sign up for my email list, check out my store… Every single item sold on my store the proceeds of the sales go to keeping our Team Awesomism Virtual Academy free for autistic adults.

Here’s some more information about our Team Awesomism Virtual Academy, both on our blog and our podcast!

Lynne aka AwesomismMom

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