Anxiety, Autism and Zimpli Kids

Several weeks ago I was approached by Zimpli kids to test out some of their products… These are great products for sensory issues.

I deeply appreciated them reaching out to me and seeing if Peyton would be interested in trying these… I think these are an awesome product for Autism.

Part of the reason why I appreciated it so much is because having GAD… General anxiety disorder… I also love sensory products. There are times when my stress level and anxiety gets so high, and stress balls and sensory Products are very calming and soothing for me.
We received three different product lines from them, and I have to tell you I really liked all three.

Peyton thought they were absolutely awesome. Their texture is wonderful they are easy to deal with… Easy to clean up after, and they even smell really good! They are 100% safe and they are so versatile and all you have to do is add water!

They come in a dry powder,they are so easy to make! Which makes Parents even happier!

Kids can use it, as well as adults. You can do slime sensory trays, use it as messy play outside if you want, or make it in a tub…. you can even slime yourself…

You could find fun games and challenges to do with friends and family…or you could just do it as a full-time sensory product.

I think one of the things that I love best about this product is, it’s not only great for kids… I really wish I had had this for Peyton was younger,but it works just as wellnow.

He loves it, but I’m going to confess… I love the product line as well. So often adults with anxiety &/or severe anxiety like I get, are overlooked. This product line is great for everyone, it’s even fun for people that just want to use it for their kids. Their kids can have fun in the bathtub or play outside or just use their imagination…

I would highly recommend it for a preschool, or at home or when kids are coming over and playing with your kids etc.

I can’t thank Zimplikids enough for asking us to test their product because I now have found a new product for me and Peyton!

We can use when we are really stressed.. other than just stress balls.

Give them a try here is their Facebook page… their Instagram and their Twitter as well as their website

As we said in our video we give this 10 thumbs up and that’s both Peyton and I!

If you have any questions or you’d like more information about all the different things we did with ours, please feel free to reach out to us… We’re gonna be doing another video in a couple weeks with it.

As always… Thanks for reading my blog and here’s to less anxiety…

And a big thank you to the companies, like ZimpliKids that put products out that HELP us every day!


Please check out this short video we made about the product!


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