
Autism Independence Day

Peyton realized that he may never have that for independence, because he is an autistic adult. This broke my heart, I talked to him and told him he can live with his dad a.k.a. Mark and I for as long as he had to.

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The Rocking Chair

I wish I could take America and put it in a big round circle of Rocking chairs and say let’s sit for a spell… Let’s grab a lemonade, or hot tea or cold tea, whatever you choose and TALK!!

While we’re rocking and calming down, let’s truly talk…. let’s open our hearts, open our ears and listen to one another and talk.

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A LOVEly Garden

Imagine if we all decided to plant the seeds of love… Of listening… Of compassion… Of understanding… How much better we would feel… How much better we would be… And how much more beautiful the world would be!

I challenge each of you.. every time you see a flower.. to think about where can YOU plant that seed of love,acceptance, understanding, compassion and listening.

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Anxiety in autism spectrum disorder

Parents often feel helpless when their children have anxiety along with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Both are quite complicated medical issues and they need to be dealt with carefully. Autistic children with anxiety disorder have the same tensions and apprehensions as others. But when they get an anxiety attack, their behavior appears more like the symptoms of ASD. They resist any change in the routine. They show obsessive and ritualistic behavior and so on.

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Binge Watching

When I had that epiphany the other day, I suddenly realized I need to use my binge watching of shows almost as a Learning experience for me… To remember just as I can turn off the binge watching, I can get up and walk away… I need to turn off my hyper stress and refocus myself to other things in my life…

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